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トラックバックURL: http://tininess.cc/notes/mt/mt-tb.cgi/241








I've to confess that i generally get bored to read the whole thing but i believe you possibly can add some value. Bravo !

great points altogether, you just gained a new reader.What would you suggest about your post that you made some days ago? Any positive?

Now you've your new web page and also you’re eager to start making some sales! But, how are you going to make gross sales in case you do not need excessive volumes of holiday makers to your website?

Whats up! Incredibly good blog post! I have been a ordinary visitor to your site (much like addict :P) on your website yet I had a issue. I'm just not pretty sure if it is the right place to question, but you have no spam comments. I receive comments just about every day. Possibly can you assist me? Thx!

Hello there! Good weblog! I am just a regular website visitor (alot more like addict :P) on your website however , I had a challenge. I am just possibly not for sure if its the right web site to ask, but you have no spam comments. I get comments just about every day. Are you going to you help me? Thanks for the tips!

When I search for blogs I never know what I will find and that is half of the fun of it really. I was surprised I ran across yours though. It is excellent writing though. You have talent in there – keep it up.

Nice vid! Whats the entrance fee for this party? And how much are the drinks?

Dawson. Koufax was my dads absolute favorite player too. Boy, could he pitch.Wookie

Wow, what fun. My guesses are hypothyroidism and lyme disease, respectively. Cant wait to find out the real answers

I find it a bit rich also that Glen is married, and Id guess happily so. And yet the happiness he gets from his marriage is something he seeks to deny others.

With all the problems the Cubs have to overcome, this is once again not their season.

Why not do a book on explaining to Catholic priests why paedophilia is wrong? Surely that would be more useful to the world? Seriously, with the world in serious trouble right now, is stopping loving couples confirming their union really the most important issue going on? I say good luck to such people.

You can condemn it on reasonable grounds; but there is no objective source that allows you to do this. Even if you condemn someone and claim that they are less good than you and that that is the only problem, that doesnt make it so; for they could do the same to you in return, and it would mean exactly the same thing. Its not good because its objectively good; its good because we value it to be so. Thats why personal responsibility and morality is so important because there is no way to enforce the idea of objective morality. We can say it exists, and we can wave it in the face of people whose fundamental ideologies drastically differ from our own, but that no more compels them or changes their ideas than it would change yours or mine if such folks were to make the same claim to us. Dont you see? The claim that this is good and this is bad is based on a personal ideology. Such ideas are only valuable to those who value them; to you, God might be good, but there are people out there who disagree with that conclusion and the opinions/values that lead into it. There is simply no way that you can fundamentally, objectively prove a moral case, because morals are based on personal experience/preference/opinions/experiences. There is no magic phrase you can utter that will make a sociopath realize that he/she is a sociopath. If laws of objective morality existed, this would not be the case; like logical and mathematical laws, moral laws would be provable in a mathematical sense.

Im wondering why several people have described Evgenis performance of the Chopin piano concerto as if it were a Liszt piece? I dont necessarily agree that if something is played fast and sparking, it is more in the style of Liszt. It is true that when Liszt was a young man he was a showman and some of his works reflect his virtuosity and technique, but he also wrote some of the most poetic and intimate pieces in the piano repertoire. Consider the Benediction to God in Solitude for example which is one of the most melodic, atmospheric and moving pieces ever written.

Not saying he did..

When we sold Outlander, the publisher held onto the book for 18 months, trying to figure out what to sell it as. They finally decided thatof all the different classifications the books could fit inRomance was by far the largest single market.

I will sing to the LORD (Eternal One) as long as I live;I will sing praise to my God (Strong One) while I have my being. Psalm 104:33

Dear Heavenly Father,

Poor Dawson. That night she got the dreaded stomach flu. Poor Baby. this is not turning into the vacation she hoped for.



このページは、トモゾーが2010年5月14日 08:31に書いたブログ記事です。





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