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びくびくっ、( ゚Д゚)っ/\,_,. >°))))彡 キターーーーーーーー!!!

重い!でかい!太い! カサゴ! 「カサゴン」て感じの、カサゴ! やーーりーー! うわーー、すごーー、ごっつーー! て大興奮ww って周りを見渡しても、だーれもいないんだけど... うれしくて、独り笑った。


その後、もう1匹ごついの釣ってやるぞ、ってがんばったけど、いくつかアタリがあったけど、駄目だった。雨も強くなってきそうだし、まあ、このごついの1匹だけでも大満足! ..で帰った。


帰って洗面器に移した、けど、カサゴンすごい元気。暴れて水を撒き散らして困ったw さわると、身体じゅうのヒレをびっと立てて身を守ろうとする。このトゲ、刺さったら、めちゃ痛そう。サイズを測ってみると、21cm! カサゴンは体長よりも、このでっぷりした体型だから、重さも測ってみた、ら、173g! いやーー、重かったもん、ほんと。これまでで一番の釣りごたえだったもん。


うろこを取ったあと、内臓とろうとお腹を切ってみたら、なんと、子持ち! 卵以外の内臓だけ取り除くなんてできそうにないから、まるごと焼くことに。これから焼いて、食べるのだv


トラックバックURL: http://tininess.cc/notes/mt/mt-tb.cgi/131


やっぱり外海は大きいのが釣れるんだなぁ いいなぁ。。
瀬戸内って "ざこ" が多過ぎね?


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Hi there, a very good read and it sometimes just takes someone to post something like this to make me realise where I've been going wrong! Just added the site to my bookmarks so will check back now and then. Cheers.

I have a problem with the premise of your post but I still think its really informative. I really like your writing style. Keep up the great work.

And what if it is? By your reasoning, does that make you feel any less strongly that we should support laws against murder?

I believe the Campbell Myths are about story structure, and not specific genres.

Note to paulmy comments re your last post re Shaq retiring which were not taken in that post as I tried at least a dozen times but it never took. so here they are in 2 parts.

Woah. I just looked at this. Thats really embarrassing. And its really sad that anyone sees her as an authority or credible voice.

But until youve done the reading you wont be able to refute these things as youll be arguing in a vaccum. Make sure you read all the objections. In the book I have every single objection from over 20 atheists and individuals whove tried to defeat this argument over the last few years. Whenever I find a new one I add it in. Sadly Ive not found any new ones in the last year. Maybe someone on this list will come up with on. Most objections are just a rehash of old arguments. Some atheists suddenly even tried to argue that there was no need for a cause and some said: Well I dont believe in the BBT.

I am in agreement with Steve Green rendition on Youtube being my favorite. I also listened to an organ instrumental and a guitar instrumental. Mahalia Jacksons voice also gives a special something to the song.

P.S. You say we coulda had Perk back, have you ever considered we DIDNT WANT perk back. Yeah 9 mill a year for a mediocre center who had always killed our offense with his suckiness on that end. Did you not see how great our O was with a halfway decent option in Shaq in there?? Great plan dumbo. You have no idea waht youre talking about and are a disgrace to all REAL Celtics fan.

To establish more genome-wide in their bonds and truer to their tamoxifen, razi grew exhibitions to select up with great government by just surviving low-income bakeries and growing themselves to online executive, klonopin for sleep.

Regarding EditFlow, I am indeed a developer on this project. (I wrote the Editorial Calendar in version .5) We develop out of github now and push changes back to WordPress SVN. Furthermore, we run a highly modified version of EditFlow, forked from version .6.

The Twilight Zone from 1963 not the 50s (its from the ep Number 12 Looks Just Like You starring Richard Long)!

We just couldnt leave your site prior to letting you know that we really enjoyed the quality information you offer for your site visitors? Will be back soon in order to check up on brand new belongings you publish!



このページは、トモゾーが2009年11月29日 23:52に書いたブログ記事です。





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