八重山 2009 2日目

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果てしなく遠浅のビーチへ。ああ、もう、どこまでも、ああ、ひろがる、ああああ(謎 で、ぽつぽつ、岩やサンゴもあって、魚もいる。今回つくづく思ったのは、シュノーケルって、楽ね、ということ。呼吸が。当たり前だけど。これまでは、海でも普通のゴーグルだけ使ってたから。


でっかいイソギンチャクぽいものを発見。そして、そこには、ニモが! しばらく釘付け。ぶくぶくっと潜って、イソギンチャクに顔が付くくらいに近づいても、ニモ達はイソギンチャクから離れようとしなくて、もう、顔のすぐそばで、ウロウロするばかり。かわいい。





たくさんの、いろんな声。夜の虫、鳥、獣。聞いたことのない声ばかり。ぜんぶひとつひとつの声の主がなんなのか、ぜんぶ知りたくなった。どんな格好で鳴いてるんだろうな。なんで鳴いてるんだろう。どういう意味? なに考えてるの?




トラックバックURL: http://tininess.cc/notes/mt/mt-tb.cgi/50


Hey! Good post! But the site has been loading slowly.

Hello there! Great post! But this website has been loading pretty slowly.

any time this how many calories should i eat a day appears to be i will take a look right or not

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The suggestions you contributed here are extremely precious. Rrt had been such a pleasurable surprise to see that waiting for me as i woke up this very day. They are often to the point as well as simple to learn. Thank you so much for the useful ideas you’ve got shared in this article.

For Ben, it's less clear, but he could also be suffering from hypothyroidism. Weight gain, decreased appetite, muscle pain, joint pain and weakness as well as paresthesia and nerve entrapment syndromes (pins and needles) are a few of the many symptoms of hypothyroidism

SnowBella: Bear here. I have floppy ears too, which is unusual for my breed. On occasion one will stand up, which give me an interesting look.

[] 8 Comments Posted by John Barron Jr. on December 29, 2010 In? a recent entry in the? Cross Examined Blog, the author decided to make a point about the reliability of the contradictory Gospel []

Ben seems to have a common flu with possibly a little carpo tunnel syndrome thrown in for good measure.

Brad: Yes, I know just about all of it, particularly the unwritten notes in the opening of the Chopin sonata. Hes on safer ground with Scriabin and Schoenberg. I will admit only to you that I worshipped at the alter of Glenn Gould when I was first discovering music (about 17 years old). At the time, I didnt know any better, but I have very fond memories of him nevertheless. His Brahms is seductive, although eccentric. Very few know this side of him.

That should say, take two dollars and add two more to it.my bad 0_0

thank you please.

You have a wonderful web address, but you have only discussed 3 of his westerns. I would think that Outlaw Josey Wales and Unforgiven (both on par with the Man With No Name trilogy) deserve their place as well.

However while serifs may not be your thing. A font with a serif has been proven to make a document easier to read as it draws the eye from one letter to the next.

Very well said, Ryan. This is exactly the point I was trying to make with the Harry Potter stuff I think it is more aptly summised in terms of Shakespeare. However, my reading of his work doesnt go much further than Romeo and Juliet, King Lear and The Tempest.

Truth breeds hatred. ~Bias of Priene, Maxims



このページは、トモゾーが2009年9月19日 21:52に書いたブログ記事です。

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