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昨日は、妻も誘って、自転車で多摩川くだり。途中で釣り具屋にエサ買いに行ったら、アオイソメはまだ置いてない、って、、そんな店あるの? って思ったけど、このへんはまだ淡水に近い汽水域だから、海魚用のイソメ類は、普段は置いてないのかも。ハゼが本格化したら入れる、って言ってた。代わりにミミズにしてみた。ミミズをエサとして使うの初めて。

釣り場所は、先週釣り人がいっぱいいた第二京浜の下(東京ポイントJ)にして、釣り始めたら、すぐにハゼタンゲットv 妻もゲット。見たことないくらいちっちゃいセイゴ(シーバス)もゲット。実家の近くの河と同じような環境かも。



結局、ちっさーいハゼ5、ちっさーいセイゴ1。初めて使ったミミズは、口がないから、どこから針を入れればいいかわかんなくて戸惑ったけど、適当なところからブスっと入れると、すっごい暴れるw 針に通すのも、スルスルっとは入っていかなくて、ぎゅっと締まった感じで、投げ釣りするときのエサはずれがしにくくて、イイね。




トラックバックURL: http://tininess.cc/notes/mt/mt-tb.cgi/252


Hey - good weblog, just looking around some blogs, seems a pretty good platform you’re utilizing. I’m currently making use of Wordpress for several of my web sites but looking to alter one of them about to a platform comparable to yours as being a trial run. Something in specific you would recommend about it?

Thats what I see with people who try to refute the need for a non-mechanistic agent. They keep saying: Oh maybe science will disprove the need for a mechanistic agent someday. So they keep pushing out the answer and gather evidence perpetualy till it fits their beliefs. Or they say: We dont understand it enough. We have to wait till more data shows up. But as I said, except for new evidence that the Universe is really eternally old or that ther are actually infinite other universes nothing in science can contradict I think the need for a non-mechanistic agent.

Marlys, I havent seen the Luther movie. I think I even have a copy of some movie about Luther (Ill have to look. I sometimes order movies, but I dont seem to watch them at my house!). Will check it out.

Thanks for the potential star to watch. I will definitely keep an eye on him.

Come on 11:00am hurry up. COBRA!!!!

Its the Bobby Orr argument. Would you rather have five years from Bobby Orr that continue to be the hockey legend of legends, or would you rather have 20 marvelous years from Wayne Gretsky? To me, its no question at all. Sports is not about volume. Its about brilliance, inspiration, greatness. Do I want five unforgettable seasons, or 20 memorable ones? Those five seasons will live and shine for 5O years. Next question.

As I told you Clark the interpretive purist might not like Evgenis reading of the Schumann. I can see their point, and even I got a bit of feeling that Liszt is playing HIS version of some of the parts.

I think that Tammy has Hypothyroidism

Absolutely. If you use Apple software, I think I have the original keynote as well, with the imges building in. If you are interested, we can try to get you that one too!

but in a very (too) polite manner

I agree that the argument being presented here is mere semantics. Marriages is a legal thing in the eyes of the state - it can be redefined like any other law. The limits of that law should be along the lines of adult consent, not gender or race.

Its the way that the Sound of the quiet moments took over that hall, floating in it - the audience as quiet as Ive ever heard it - that Ill remember.

And Nora: isnt it family day today?



このページは、トモゾーが2010年6月21日 08:55に書いたブログ記事です。





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