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クララのことがあって、看護師になりたくなくなったフランチェスカは(病院での時間はとても辛いものだったんだろう)、アートや言語を学びだしたけど、やっぱり paramedic になったそうな。paramedic は、医療補助員、とか、救急救命士、とかの意味らしいけど、どっちなんだろ? I answered the emergency 911 calls and dispatched the ambulances. とか書いてあるから、救命士だろうか。



そして最後に、Wow...15 years goes by fast when you're having fun! と。エキサイト翻訳によると、「ワオ...あなたが楽しんでいるとき、15年は速く過ぎます。」って、ショックだわwww 楽しんでばっかじゃないのに! でも、ここでいう "you" は、"世間のみんな達が" みたいな意味で使われてるんだよね。よね?

空白の15年間のフランチェスカの人生は、すごく、生命力にあふれているというか、とても、エネルギッシュで、16歳の頃と変わらず僕を圧倒した。さすがだよ、フランチェスカ。クララのことは、とても I'm sorry... でも、今の君の様子からすると、クララは生きているうちに、自分の役割を充分に果たしたんじゃないだろうか? そう思えるほど、今、君は、輝いているよ。テヘ


orz の解説なんか書いた自分がちっぽけ...


トラックバックURL: http://tininess.cc/notes/mt/mt-tb.cgi/243


Great post. I am facing a couple of these problems.

Real excellent information can be found on weblog .

Bozhanov is magnificent. He has the most amazing sense of touch and flow of music. He becomes the music. Perhaps channeling what the composers wished could have played! He stands far beyond all other competitors this year.

Oh come on. I thought I was expecting a reasonable and well-thought out post when I read the title of this thread. Then I came up with 10 lame suggestions that could only elicit a groan. You can do better than this.

i mean seriously, you guys should check her site today what she is saying and doing honestly, FISH, if youre reading this, you did it all to yourself.

I actually stopped coming to the site because of her, lol. When I saw the recap wasnt hers I was happy.

What do I learn about my enemy and my God in verse 1?

@Joan, thanks for that. I like the font, and I also like scribd!

Glen: such Christians believe that marriage is a divinely ordained institution that literally excludes same-sex unions by definition


Or do you perhaps mean to imply that there is no such change? In which case, it makes no sense to say they are objective in any sense; they are then no more reliable than a feeling or an intuition.

to be honest Jay i want the Heat to win this series but only because i dont want Rose to win a ring or have more then Rondo in the future, but i have to disagree with you on Heat playing the best ball now, i think Mavs play the best and there gonna eat Miami alive!! Dirk is ungaurdable!!!!!!!!

And, more importantly, will any of it help the Bengals get back to the playoffs?

Been thinking about this a lot recently, and I'm increasingly of the opinion that the issue lies with an understanding of what hot hand means.



このページは、トモゾーが2010年5月19日 22:38に書いたブログ記事です。





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