1ヵ月のまとめ | 2010年2月

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2月のツイートまとめ。twilog から1日分ずつコピペ、という不毛な手間をかけてまで今後もやっていくかどうかはわからないw 一応ほかの方法も探してみたんだけども。
  • imomotを一文字で表すと「精」です。 - 漢字一文字であなたを表したりする [ http://dev.hinata.in/web/1kanji/ ] posted at 00:17:08
  • ぎゅうぎゅう posted at 09:34:26
  • あーあ、朝青龍。。。横綱は2人いたほうがいいなー。 posted at 17:27:05
  • 浜松町駅でツーーしてたら、初めてうしろから「かっけーー!」って声が した。僕は振り返らない! posted at 22:39:25
  • 早く目ぇ覚めた posted at 07:15:29
  • 今日二度目の起床。復活したかな。 posted at 17:00:15
  • 車輌の接続ぶぶんの蛇腹スペースおちつく。 posted at 00:45:54
  • .@imomotさんは「きひきひ」とした人のようです[まとぺったー] http://w-iroha.appspot.com/matopetter #matopetter posted at 01:17:39
  • 世にはびこる酔っぱらって強気になったおっさん連中、 全 員 う ん こ 踏 め ! posted at 01:19:23
  • うわーー、今しかない! 今しか! チョコをいくらでもください! @imomotさんの第一モテ期は『20歳』、第二モテ期は『31歳』、最終モテ期は『32歳』です。 | Twitterモテ期 #moteki | http://m2t.jp/JjyDe4 posted at 01:29:57
  • 残り1コになってたから手が滑ってポチり。自家製梅酒サーバー無事ゲッツ!やったね。安いんだもんコレ。 RT @vgvd: お酒の時間です。一杯入れた方が仕事はかどるという仮説。 http://bit.ly/aCsrLW posted at 01:52:40
  • あ... 茶色もあった。。ガーン!www http://bit.ly/bKUbjX posted at 01:54:54
  • @yukop あ、新しい「なう」ニュアンスもう身につけてるね。 #hamakostaff posted at 02:06:32
  • フジTVデつず久でてる posted at 21:32:41
  • おやじのダジャレ不評w posted at 21:35:42
  • w (株)@bArchitects の求人に応募した結果、不採用でした。 就活ったー http://bit.ly/shukatsu posted at 07:18:03
  • @megsato www posted at 07:19:59
  • カーリング女子 クリスタル・ジャパンていうのかw がやってる。異様なかわいさ。 posted at 07:28:00
  • 対するアメリカは主婦中心の町内チームみたいな雰囲気。こするパワーがすごそう。 posted at 07:31:06
  • ルール把握めんどいw RT @NHK_Olympic: 【ライブ情報】「カーリング女子予選日本対アメリカ」BS1で生中継開始!競技ルール等については140文字ではとても紹介しきれないので、NHKのオリンピック競技案内ページをご覧ください→ http://bit.ly/cyIpcQ posted at 07:42:52
  • ドトールでたべとく http://twitpic.com/13o6ps posted at 09:27:35
  • ほしてたさかなチンしてたべちゃう http://twitpic.com/13pf3i posted at 13:19:12
  • @yukop 何名様ですか? ご注文をおうかがいします、ご注文を確認させていただきます、さんきゅー、よろこんで、みたいに? posted at 14:31:27
  • ドミニカはドミニカでも、ドミニカ国とドミニカ共和国があるんだよ。 posted at 15:29:52
  • RT @higashitiji: 早くも、iPhone紛失。焦った。携帯は今まで一度も無くしたことないのに、いやぁ焦った。 posted at 20:03:59
  • シマウマカフェがなくなっちゃってる。かなしい TдT posted at 20:10:16
  • しかたないからエクセルシオールでもっくもく http://twitpic.com/13qtiw posted at 20:18:29
  • 惜しい... それにしてもカーリングはもはや女子のみの競技であるかのようなクリスタルジャパンの露出ぶりw RT @NHK_Olympic: 【ライブ情報】カーリング女子予選リーグ 日本6ー7カナダ 日本敗れる http://bit.ly/9avnOU #nhk_olympic posted at 07:46:02
  • またヤンキー軍団ドラマw http://bit.ly/byyMP5 ドラマ「タンブリング」:高校の男子新体操部に入部したヤンキー軍団が、競技の魅力にはまっていく posted at 07:58:28
  • 『のび太の宇宙小戦争』の『少年期』は泣けた。あとでYoutubeで探してみる!だう! http://bit.ly/dj44K7 武田鉄矢14年ぶりドラえもん歌う posted at 08:04:26
  • フゥォースィースィー! 「4cc! 自白剤を投与しろ。」ww http://bit.ly/ttpYj 24で覚える明日使える英会話 posted at 08:08:40
  • いっこいっこの刺激を丁寧に消化したいんだな。むりなんだけど。 posted at 09:12:10
  • 南無 http://bit.ly/bFRl2v 藤田まこと 死去 posted at 12:39:43
  • このギリギリ感 posted at 15:30:28
  • このくらいの時間になるとおなかすく。 posted at 16:23:45
  • ペットセットでも聴くか posted at 16:26:16
  • セイザーウェーイ、イッツオーシャーン、テイカウェーイ、オールリーウェーー posted at 16:27:14
  • Say the way it's ocean. Take a way all whreel way. posted at 16:28:17
  • たったいま「ぎりぎり森ガール」っていうのも派生 RT @maisak: とあるファッションを"農民系"って勝手によんでたけど、世間的には「森ガール」とよばれることを知った。 posted at 17:17:09
  • またエクセ(ry http://twitpic.com/13x0yu posted at 19:24:13
  • Shadowing Drills っていうドリルを見てる女の人がいる。「アニメのキャラクターはなぜあんなに眼が大きいのか」っていう主題のページ。。なんのこっちゃ posted at 20:34:05
  • @esaka そ、そんな不健康なイメージはすててくださいw posted at 21:18:11
  • 日曜のエサが残ってるから明日使う。よくばって竿2本つかっちゃう。1本はエサで投げ放置、もう1本はルアーでシーバス狙っちゃう。 posted at 22:29:44
  • このコはほんとすごいよ。。こんなの釣ってみたいな。沖に出ないと駄目だよなあ。 http://bit.ly/aRCjkW posted at 22:31:37
  • いじくってみたいイス http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbEEXMIhZR0 posted at 22:41:10
  • リュージュ2人乗り、って、、前後じゃなくて、上下に2人なの?ww 競技として必要なのか?w http://bit.ly/d6uDjl posted at 23:15:34
  • 妻曰く「二段ベッド」 RT @imomot: リュージュ2人乗り、って、、前後じゃなくて、上下に2人なの?ww 競技として必要なのか?w http://bit.ly/d6uDjl posted at 23:23:29
  • わしゃもう寝る posted at 00:52:31
  • 富士山の日だって。おはやう。 http://bit.ly/d0tyWt posted at 07:48:38
  • 一家に一台! 「白ヤギ」という名の、シュレッダー兼トイレットペーパー製造機 http://bit.ly/auCN3A posted at 07:55:32
  • ホームにバットをもったおじいさんがいる。ホーム違い。 http://twitpic.com/14t2ig posted at 09:08:45
  • http://bit.ly/bFieQi 「中国専用カー・デザイン」の特徴 - 後部座席は「権力を持つ者」が座る席なので、ラジオやエアコン、サンルーフなどの制御装置も後部座席にある。 posted at 11:28:57
  • よく火の通ったえびふりゃー http://twitpic.com/14ugkw posted at 13:30:41
  • 撮った覚えのない写真が...ww なんだこれ。誰かが同時にアップしたのかな。その誰かさんのページに謎のエビフライの写真がアップされてると思うと笑える RT @imomot: よく火の通ったえびふりゃー http://twitpic.com/14ugkw posted at 14:44:28
  • むなさわぎ posted at 16:01:51
  • キム・ヨナのコーチのブライアン・オーサーって、すごい人なんだね。ミスター・トリプルアクセル http://bit.ly/d81jr9  今でもこの元気→ http://bit.ly/c5TpRQ posted at 00:16:17
  • 会社のイスを畳にしてみたい衝動.. http://bit.ly/9443b1  これとかかなあ http://bit.ly/bfZaBu posted at 00:22:55
  • 真央「焼肉が好きです」 アナ「(真央ちゃんは)食べるほうなんですか?」 真央「はい、食べるほうの焼肉です」 posted at 00:27:37
  • 本田「あのすごいジャンプはどうやったらとべるの?」 真央「よいしょっ てとびます」 posted at 00:28:19
  • ジャンプの見分け方。結構わかりやすかった http://bit.ly/cO0yBu posted at 00:39:06
  • スキーいきたいな posted at 01:08:52
  • スコアの内訳を [+] クリックしたらみれる http://bit.ly/aRxirs  真央はキム・ヨナに勝ってるところが1つもなかったのね。 posted at 07:29:05
  • よし、スキー行こう。 posted at 07:58:43
  • 今日はまっしろだ http://twitpic.com/155wz1 posted at 09:53:15
  • ムナムナサワサワギィギィ posted at 12:41:13
  • 兄語録「携帯は、お金払うんじゃなくて、お金もらって使うものだよ」 posted at 13:30:31
  • 兄語録「ツーツー、ebayで落札したよ。$6で。」 http://bit.ly/cW7H8y posted at 13:36:19
  • ちょびっとカラダがビリビリ中 posted at 16:34:56
  • "レイヤー400" を "gra" にリネーミングだう! posted at 17:37:25
  • 284節でたー(謎) イイです。好きです。 RT @junyosh: 新ヤマハ銀座ビルのサイトを公開しました。 http://bit.ly/bSiHEX 明日グランドオープンです。銀座にお出かけの際は、是非寄ってみてください。 posted at 17:47:26
  • 万人向けの呼び名は未だ「ホームページ」なことを再確認 RT @555hamako: 「まぐまぐ」さんとはメルマガサイトです!http://www.mag2.com/  メルマガはなんとなく解りますが、サイトとはズバリなんですかね? posted at 18:55:14
  • あしたオープンだあ わくわく http://twitpic.com/15883h posted at 19:08:28
  • まだ2月だけど 沈丁花 薫 さん posted at 19:29:31
  • いい感じに半クラ運転。 posted at 20:05:41
  • @yukop 怒ってない王蟲も見たいなー posted at 07:46:52
  • @megsato それは可哀想www posted at 09:02:43
  • 水筒でお茶飲むね http://twitpic.com/15dp62 posted at 14:30:06
  • 今日オフィス暑いお。自席29℃。 posted at 15:23:51
  • マオシェンコ砲ww http://twitpic.com/15dun0 posted at 16:07:48
  • はあはあ、一息つく。エクセルシオールにはいつも勤勉な学生がいっぱい。学生ヅラしてまざるお。 posted at 19:00:11
  • 「大人というのは、大人しいということだよ」 良い悪いじゃないよ posted at 19:19:23
  • ただの性質 posted at 19:22:49
  • 初詣では絵巻に「しずか」と書いた。でもとてもうるさい。しずかに釣りやスキーしてたい。 posted at 19:27:05
  • 手始めに、やかましい宮崎知事をアンフォロー完了。 posted at 19:30:31
  • そして、海方面への引越し計画をすすめよう。 posted at 19:33:53
  • 葉山か逗子か、そのへんへのアクセスがいいところがいいな。千葉はナシ。 posted at 19:40:22
  • 今日はデートですの http://twitpic.com/15es04 posted at 20:02:00
  • 飲み比べ的な http://twitpic.com/15ezsj posted at 21:04:55
  • http://bit.ly/buP6Tq 深海魚リュウグウノツカイが今冬、富山、石川県などの日本海沿岸で相次いで見つかっている。~略~ 姿を現すと、「地震の前触れ」との言い伝えもある。 posted at 09:51:43
  • @shuzo_matsuoka そのノリは不謹慎 posted at 11:10:58
  • そのノリは不謹慎。本人ちゃんと見てんのか? RT @shuzo_matsuoka: おい!大津波警報!!あわてない!!冷静に!! posted at 11:11:50


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What occurs after you work out, physical exercise, and do some training with weights What occurs is as you construct muscle mass, its broken down, the muscle mass tears and you enter a recovery period right after your work out. This muscle creating procedure is why one of the most essential meal of the day time is really in truth your post-workout meal.

You will find a lot of exercising semantics, and we say that in a great way, that are out there most with the marketing mind-set from the promotion of gaining six pack abs. Our hats are off to these marketing individuals as their minds are in the right location but the soul needs to follow suit. The issue with these guys and gals is always that they don't concern themselves with the time it requires and the passion that should be adhered to in buy to obtain a six pack ab look.

That lady was even wilder when she was by herself. Actually, that was the craziest sex I had ever acquired. We have been throwing each other all around, slamming against the wall, falling to the ground and breaking things as we fucked the hell out of every other. It was just as if neither a single of us could get enough and neither a single of us could fuck tough or quick sufficient.

There is a lot of controversy about the safety of colloidal silver water. Colloidal Silver is classified as a pre-1938 drug according to the Food and Drug Administration. A letter from the FDA dated September 13, 1991 states.These products may continue to be marketed as long as they are advertised and labeled for the same use as in 1938, and as long as they are manufactured in the original manner.

You'll find very a few natural multivitamins that blend specific ingredients and herbs to assist strengthen the immune system. 1 such product is ImmunaSure, which blends three primary active ingredients to support immune system function. Its main ingredients are astragalus, lemon balm, and de-odorized garlic. This multivitamin was co-developed by Dr. John Sherman, a doctor who has helped treat thousands of patients with herpes, cold sores, and other immune disorders for 30 years.

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Six pack abs are not totally about your abs, and it matters really a lot that you also focus on your whole body and specifically your back muscles. So which is the rationale behind making certain your entire body is in shape; think about it and you'll see why it's in no way advised to only concentrate on your abs. While there are lots of approaches to building back strength, you ought to first think about making sure you don't have any back problems. There's weight training for your back strength too as Pilates and yoga. For safest outcomes, perhaps do those exercises that involve far more of your body, or other muscle groups, rather than strictly doing something crunches which are more isolated and targeted.

The perfect location to buy these supplements from can be a good and reputed health food store. Yellow pages would introduce you to several such stores within your area. You are able to also take support of the internet to get access to some of these health stores. However, one of the drawbacks of most of the well being stores is that they may not offer you with a wide range of alternatives. Also, these supplements have a extremely high demand and hence there's every single possible chance that the well being store near to you may well have run out of these products.

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Cellulite is a common enemy for all women. Most of us will get it at some point, but there is no reason to despair. Companies such as Nivea are coming out with anti cellulite creams that work wonders, and are a natural, non-invasive way to take care of this common problem.A healthy diet is one of the best ways to reverse cellulite and keep new cellulite from forming on your body. Healthy diets that are low in fat keep new fat cells from forming, and allow your body to get rid of the toxins that build up to form cellulite.

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I think that both Brackman and Betances could both make AA before the seasons out. If you add in Noesi and Phelps the Yankees have very good pitching talent. McAllister is doing better as is Nova who is back on track after a couple of rough outings after coming back from the big leagues. Kontos is throwing in rehab games down in extended and should be back soon as well. I really like Ryan Pope going to the pen and think he could be an impact arm there going forward. I liked what Newman had to say about Melancon which is what I thought all along.

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I have read through the comments and agree emphatically that the film was fantastic. I think the stated racial bias was more an attempt to call attention to racial bias in financial dealings than to stereo-type african-americans derogatorily, but I do understand how the presentation of Memphis and Detroit could be seen as a statement of racial bias. The thing that struck me so as so brilliant about the film is that it allowed the viewer to draw conclusions from the information rather than being told what it all meant. I for one, had not connected the dots from the Chinese beyond the US being a safe place to invest in bonds, treasuries and secured investments. Undeniably, the Chinese have created a highly leverageable situation to ensure US markets will remain open to Chinese imports and investment. This relationship just scares the bejeebers out of me because it leaves us very vulnerable to Chinese suggestion and ultimately may result in control of our economy (just as Islamic extremists went after our financial nerve center and attempt to impoverish the US via global conflict). I was left with the chilling thought of the Great Seal of the United States of America having a parenthetical statement (a subsidiary of the Peoples Republic of China). Perhaps I am overreacting, I am not a conspiracy theorist, but it seems interesting that billions are being held back by banks, saying the risks are too big to loan the money now. I wonder how many banks are looking for ways to invest in Chinese development both as a function of return on investment and shareholder sentiment.

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I agree with your 1ヵ月のまとめ | 2010年2月 - Tininess NOTES, wonderful post.

I agree with your 1ヵ月のまとめ | 2010年2月 - Tininess NOTES, superb post.

So there are plenty of reasons to think that Perks presence, not only wouldnt have made a single difference in the standings, but actually could have led to even more Celtics losses, were the trade not done. And none of this is getting into the business side of the deal, which I guarantee you in 3 years, when the league is cued into the fact that Perkins was made in the Boston system, and wont be very good outside of it how much of an absolute swindle this deal was for Danny. Two talented, relatively young players, and a valuable first round draft pick for a guy whos really only useful in your system, and only moderately at that?

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Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass' favor.

I do love the way you have presented this specific issue plus it does give me a lot of fodder for thought. Nonetheless, through what precisely I have observed, I really wish when the actual feedback stack on that people continue to be on point and in no way embark upon a tirade involving the news du jour. Yet, thank you for this exceptional point and while I can not necessarily agree with this in totality, I regard the standpoint.

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I agree with your 1ヵ月のまとめ | 2010年2月 - Tininess NOTES, superb post.

Whats a little amongst teens?

occurs in (Romans 9:29; James 5:4) but is more familiar through its occurrence in the Sanctus of Te Deum Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth. Sabaoth is the Greek form of the Hebrew word tsebaoth armies, and is translated in the Authorized Version of the Old Testament by Lord of hosts, Lord God of hosts. In the mouth and the mind of an ancient Hebrew, Jehovah-tsebaoth was the leader and commander of the armies of the nation, who went forth with them (Psalms 44:9) and led them to certain victory over the worshippers of Baal Chemosh. Molech, Ashtaroth and other false gods.

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And Roger, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!

I agree with your 1ヵ月のまとめ | 2010年2月 - Tininess NOTES, superb post.

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You continue to engage in circular reasoning, by appealing to gays who want to get married. If the Christians are right, then what those homosexual persons want is not to get married at all. They want the state to bestow a blessing upon their union and call it marriage.


Doug, I asked you to provide a link to an article which claims that the white mercenaries are the good guys You couldnt find one- because it doesnt exist and therefore invalidates your claim that there is no consensus- and posted instead a link to a ridiculous article that has nothing to do with my request. I will however overlook that and help you with your confusion.OK listen, you claimed that there were people said that the movie was racist against Indians therefore it could not be racist against whites. You also argued that becasue there is no consensus there is no racism. Both of those arguments have no value. I am not interested in the silly opinions of God knows what self loathing fool in the UK . I will ask you this, you do realize that the white man that the idiot at the telegraph.com is talking about is in fact doing all his good deeds as an alien aborigine. You also realize that THERE ARE NO INDIANS IN THIS MOVIE, they are ten foot tall creatures with tails form planet la di da. You got that right? You understand that the whites are Caucasian Homo Sapient, yes? My analysis is based on nothing but facts his is based on conjecture and opinions.Now I dont agree with his point, its silly and convoluted -mostly because there is no hide or hair of any Indian in the movie and the guy is probably just projecting his own prejudice- but so be it. Please explain to me how his point invalidates mine. Explain to me how Cameron portraying aborigines as hapless fools somehow makes it impossible for him to portray whites as murderous mercenaries? Thats the essence of your argument so by all means go ahead and make it.

Bless you. It was fun hearing

wtg Lew; the stutterer should go back to Kenya with his hating wife. But remember its the ppl here who voted the Big Spender in..now he is spending your SS money plus to help and pay back his cronies.

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