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Ana: Yes, he is polarizing. He is polarizing because he is flamboyant in the grand old Liszt tradition. Hes outrageous and entertaining. This is probably why he will win a medal. The argument on this blog is created because some disagree that he is as great a musician as he is an entertainer. Both have a place on the concert stage, think of Horowitz and Rubinstein, for example. Both were tremendously influential, but there are still debates about which was the better musician. Some of it is showbiz and some of it is great music making, with a fair amoung of overlap in between.

my new email is lilcher@yahoo.com

It doesnt matter if there is some magical objective truth out there; if you can support your claim with enough reasoning, you will be able to convince people that your case is the most effective. That definitely works better than bludgeoning them with God, trying to claim that your morality is objective and should therefore be obeyed.when, in fact, if it were objective, it would be impossible to disobey.

What I would like you to explain is that if people did these things and thought them “good”, why should we condemn them or throw someone in jail because our idea of “good” differs from theirs?

I dont think either are sick at all. Tammy is menopausal and Ben is just aging. His sore throat is just a dry-air-in-the-winter thing.If a rapid strep test is negative he should just rest and drink lots of liquids. If it is positive he needs antibiotics, rest and lots of liquids.P.S. the internet was not used. I am athletic enough to jump to conclusions all by myself.

Think of it this way. You are the daughter of the King. The King spared not His own Son for you. A daughter does not have to merit her fathers affections and love. He just loves her because she is his. Go to your Father! He is right there!Praying for you!

Pretty good deal if you ask me.

Rest in peace at last and may God bless you all

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