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Thank you, a very good read - added to bookmarks so will visit back for new content and to read other people's comments. Cheers again.

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Hi , thanks for the posting. Nice. There are many ways to get rid of hair issues, but first know that bad hair is usually the result of unclean hair and scalp, it is also due to the use of excessive hair product, which usually grab on to your hair making it heavy and dry. Chemical hair products also clog hair pores killing the health of your hair

Ferris Bueller is something 80s kids always pick, Im a 90s one so horror of horrors havent even seen it! Does that make me a bad person?

Dude 1: I think killing people is okay.Dude 2: I dont think so at all!1: Why not?2: Because its wrong!1: I dont believe that. I think its right.2: But life is sacred!1: I dont believe life is sacred.2: But it is!1: I dont believe you. Prove it.2: God gave us life, and we should respect that!1: (a) I dont believe thats true, and (b) even if it was, I still think killing people is okay. Why should God get to set the rules?2: Because He created the universe!1: So what? If I create a baby, do I get to say what it does with its life, or with other peoples lives?2: Thats pro-creation, thats different!1: How so?2: God created everything!1: So what? How does that entitle Him to control what He creates?2: He could do whatever He wants; Hes God!1: So Hes only good because Hes powerful?

Some of the people posting here who consider Bozhanovs playing not to be tasteful seem to have more conservative views of what is a good performance than I do, and the same people are raving about the performers whose style of playing is more uniform and boring to me.

Oh, Anton Nel, forget the score. Its an unfair standard for this Free Spirit.

Itd be interesting to break it down by position. Yeah, Emmitt then Dorsett at RB. Staubach and Aikman at QB. Yeah Harvey Martin, Too Tall Jones,Bob Lilly and Randy White as DL. WR? hmm thats tougher.

But nonetheless, I enjoyed Bozhanovs recital tremendously.

It came up in film class once that Star Wars could be considered a Western.

Its true that Spaghetti Westerns were genereally directed by Italians. Some were filmed in Italy, but the vast majority were shot in Spain.

Opinions are what your believe.Values are basically the same thing, but strongly held.

hahaha, who the fuck cares if they hadguys on the dl? maybe the cubs should getsome good back up players, like the soxwere smart enough to do. and a team shouldnteven have 8 guys on the dl, thats justpathetic. suck on that one. dumbass.

This is an amazing findjust hard to watch. Aslan looks like a wookieand WHY does every single British incarnation of the WW have to be SO melodramatic? It took me a while to warm up to Tilda Swinton (no pun intended, I swear), but at least she didnt see the need to yell every other syllable of her lines.

Awesome job. You have my vote to be in charge. Down with the BCS!



このページは、トモゾーが2009年12月17日 16:06に書いたブログ記事です。





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