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はじめに葉山らへんで釣りしたときに釣れた、ベラっぽい謎の魚がなんなのかが分かった。オハグロベラっていうらしい。なんでお歯黒? 別に歯ぁ黒くなかったとおもうけど、、。

もっと可哀そうな名前の魚も発見。その名も、オジサン。気持ち分かるけど、正式な和名にするなよww かわいそーー、でもかわいいw オジサン超釣りたい。オジサン美味しいらしい。サンゴ礁のへんとかで釣れるらしいから、つぎ沖縄方面行ったときに釣るぞっ。


トラックバックURL: http://tininess.cc/notes/mt/mt-tb.cgi/141


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We love Prairie Home Companion too. We love all the weekend shows on NPRThis American LifeWait Wait Dont Tell MeYou Bet Your Gardencould go on and on.Never heard any of those old shows.

It wasnt the worst thing in the world but it was still pretty obnoxious of you to reveal it. Youre a writer, would it have been so hard to come up with an alternative description of Gabe? You can say plenty about this show, good or bad, without spoiling anything. And the fact that youre still writing about it comes off as kind of petty.

bittersweet was really an album of standards so it really doesnt count.

[...] our other wonderful friend Andrew, has posted a delightfully snarky text interview with us at City Scoops, where youll learn even more than youd every think youd [...]

“The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly” and Unforgiven are simply the two best westerns ever.

As are you sir for selecting it as well. The Bourne franchise is just great and one of the best examples of modern action around. It was a very refreshing addition to a somewhat stale genre.

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このページは、トモゾーが2009年12月 6日 12:14に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「釣りロマンを求めて 毎週観ようかな...」です。




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