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元気でまともな母だけを記憶に残しておきたいのに、とおかんは言う。そらそうだろう。でも、元気でまとも、って、どういうことなんだろ。衰えているかそうでじゃないかの違い? 衰えってなんだろ。なに基準だろう。



トラックバックURL: http://tininess.cc/notes/mt/mt-tb.cgi/102


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Zune and iPod: Most people compare the Zune to the Touch, but after seeing how slim and surprisingly small and light it is, I consider it to be a rather unique hybrid that combines qualities of both the Touch and the Nano. It's very colorful and lovely OLED screen is slightly smaller than the touch screen, but the player itself feels quite a bit smaller and lighter. It weighs about 2/3 as much, and is noticeably smaller in width and height, while being just a hair thicker.

Hands down, Apple's app store wins by a mile. It's a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a rather sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I'm not sure I'd want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case.

It usually takes about 3 years to total that with.

precisely what is erroneous using how many calories should i eat a day do you find it beneficial?

You've got a great blog there keep it up. I'll be watching out for most posts.

This fantatic post was very nicely written, and it also contains many good facts. I appreciated your professional way of writing the post. You have made it easy for me to understand. Good and precise info.

I desire no minor girls working here, no one should be forcibly working here... I need to shut down this place !.

Wow was the first thought that comes to mind when I read this article. You did a lot of hard work to make this interesting.

Time - do you know what a definition is?

The Takemitsu was gorgeous, as was the Liszt. I am seriously unconvinced by the Schumann.

P.S. To anyone whos interested; I had a conversation (see: mild argument) with a woman at work today (a co-worker who also happens to be black and Evangelical) about this very issue. It went pretty much like this discussion has gone, except that when I came to the part about comparing gay marriages and interracial marriages, she brought up that interracial marriages shouldnt be carried out because God said not to mix the races.

This seems rather intransigent.

Mike Tice was hired today to be the new O-line coach. Decent. Still would like to see Carmichael from Saints come to the Bears as OC.

No.. not for a while signing Soriano for so long will haunt them i hate them to they stole Soriano from the Phillies who were supposed to get them and they spent like 300 million to upgrade their team when all other teams spent 100 million max.

is how it should start

Cant go wrong with your early 80s picks, either, but those were before my time and I cant cheat on that one. I think almost inevitably, everyone thought of putting at least one of the LotR movies on there but Im surprised at the variety. For me, theres no question that Fellowship is the best of the three, but you really cant go wrong with any of em.

Lakers will win Game 1 and steal the 2010 Champ over celts

Mr. Armstrong?

Tim D., I believe there are things that can and should be identified as wrong, in accordance with my views. But that does not necessarily mean they are so. In turn, that does not mean that I am bound to act as though they aren't condemnable I agree that people who think that morality is subjective can and do make judgments about marol issues. What I dont understand is what sort of force does their opinion hold if morality is subjective? Especially if one is cognizant that morality is subjective, it seems like respect for the other persons opinion would win the day. What does one do when opinions clash? Seems to me that we do, in fact, judge some worldviews morally superior to others. (It also seems that if this is just a function of which worldvhe most adherents, then the minority can never be right about anything.) Again, if there is a superior or inferior aspect to any worldview, it seems that there is a real (objective) moral good and a real (objective)moral evil.

omg you should give us the name of that techno song 5:45-6:05!!!



このページは、トモゾーが2009年11月 8日 14:49に書いたブログ記事です。





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