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1日目、2時間半くらいで、キス4、ハゼ2、フグ1、そして 20cmくらいのカレイ1!





糸の結び方、これまではテキトーにだんご結びだったけど、ちゃんとした結び方を練習した。糸と糸を結ぶ「人天結び」、糸とサルカンとかを結ぶ「ダブルクリンチノット」、「二重かみ結び」、「ジャムノット」、糸と針を結ぶ「逆外掛けマクラ結び」、をマスターした... かな。たぶんした。


トラックバックURL: http://tininess.cc/notes/mt/mt-tb.cgi/98


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What you seem to be saying here is that the notion of goodness and morality must be grounded in something. I agree. I think it makes more sense to ground goodness in the nature of a supreme being than to ground it in evolution or naturalism, which I do not believe have the philosophical basis for grounding an ought.

Hollywood Films Ive always liked the late Howard Zieffs now-nearly-forgotten Hearts of the West, with Jeff Bridges. Zieff is another guy forgotten in the Oscar In Memoriam montage this year. And Dantes Matine, mentioned earlier, is a nice sideways look at Hollywood.

Tim: I'm curious as to what kind of response this will get.

hi there, my fave red wine is Tim Adams "The Fergus" may i suggest you try it. it costs about £10 but is so lovely and goes well with anything! it is always on my table at dinner partied and romantic evenings with my fella, its lovely!

Id mostly agree of that list. Esp Danny White. He was very good (and could punt) But he lived in the shadows of Staubach when the team was in decline. And wheres Cliff Harris?

Ai yai yai.did you really expect me to concede to a point like that? Perhaps if you misunderstand some of what I say, or it seems invalid, you could point out that which seems invalid? Cut straight to the point? These vague statements dont really work for me; I mean, theyre pretty, but I have no idea what youre talking about exactly.

Its a technicality; theyre both laughable reasons at best, and they both rely on claims of unsupported immorality to get the point across. How are their ideas that mixing races is immoral any different than this idea that not mixing genders is immoral? The point is that then, they believed something was immoral that we do not now. The grounds on which it becomes immoral are ultimately irrelevant to my poin.

@John Mc: Why on earth should I care in the slightest what Clara Schumann liked or disliked, or whether she would like Bozhanovs playing??

If you can answer this question, then you can prove me wrong: Why do we need right and wrong in an objective sense? What can right and wrong do, objectively, that right and wrong in a subjective, evolutionary sense cannot do? For those of you who plan to trot out Hitler again, let me tell you: for every Hitler there is a non-Hitler to oppose him. There will never be one single dominant course of thought at any time in human history (never has been, never will). There will always be dissent at the genetic, emotional and political levels, even if it is not widely publicized. So the wrongs and rights of humanity will always run counter to each other, whether or not they are objective for every wrong humanity produces, it is mathematically possible (and likely) for it to produce a right as well by that same process, because the process is indiscriminate between right and wrong. Why, then, do we need objective morality? What does it accomplish that subjective morality does not? How does it make the physical world any different than subjective morality does? What does it change in the world that subjective morality does not?

I totally agree with samem Son has no imagination, everything she does comes from her teacher that told her to do this and that, this guy is such a raw, natural and absolutely insane (in a good sense) musician, that after listening to this Schumann I can forgive that Chopin two days ago, especially after listening to the same CHopin from his Cassagrande competition

There are no funny scenes in it, just annoying ones. The story isreally nerve wrecking and you really want to turn the damn thing offand do something else. As a matter of principle I always watch untilthe end, but this one nearly killed me.

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このページは、トモゾーが2009年11月 2日 02:35に書いたブログ記事です。





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