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外の席には先客がいて、かわいい女の子2人連れ、ほろ酔いでガールズトークに花咲かせてた。他にお客はナシ。僕は気にしてないフリで気にしながら本を読んでいると、女の子のひとりが、話の流れで、「逆ナンでもするかー、一緒に飲みませんか、とかいって..」とか言ってて、二人は一瞬沈黙。明らかに僕のほうをチラ見している気配が...! うわあ、こんなとき、どどどうすればいいの!? うわあ、何話せばいいの!? と乱れた心を表に出すわけにはいかない。聞こえないフリして、僕は一生懸命に本を読んでいるのです、という態度を示してしまって、それを察した二人は別の話題にうつってしまった。あーあ。




トラックバックURL: http://tininess.cc/notes/mt/mt-tb.cgi/40


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what's improper utilizing how many calories should i eat a day do you find it effective?

Stock exchange are falling around the world on the first full trading day since the U.S. credit was downgraded in an unprecedented move on Friday .

I usually do not post, but discovered this text of nice value,

this is a person whose blog became popular bc of Lost fans, and when she now disses the show in every write up she does, and those same readers dismiss her, she gets angry calls all of them misogynistic and stops writing all together.

What I learn about God:He is powerful; He is our protection and shelter. Hes more powerful than Satan; He never fails. And He is willing to help us in all difficulties we face on earth, and there are a flood of difficulties.

Until I saw Clint Eastwood westerns I didnt get the genre - John Wayne just put me off!

Basically, it means that nobody cares if you and I disagree except for the people who care that you and I disagree. It means that there isnt an audience watching this exchange, pushing for a certain outcome. It means that we think what we think, and we enforce our beliefs.and thats it.

God is our refuge and strength. One translation states for a very present help in trouble - (God is) abundantly available for help in tight places.He is where I am safe and where I can be unafraid.

finally you have found what you are looking for.In the Bible read Revelation; chapter 1; verse 20. All the seven angels and the seven churches are about you. Read all of chapter 2 and 3 of revelation. It is all about you.

5. I use to Nanny for the summers in New Jersey for one of the top Harness Racers. They moved from Foxboro and brought me along in the summers. It was a treat always being in the winners circle.

Batman!Wasn't Christian Bale Batman one time?snort! I could have sworn he was even though we don't watch those moviesheh!

HO Cher.I agree wiht the sad fans.thats not good Cher:-(

Luthers initial break with Rome began with his challenging the sale of indulgences.



このページは、トモゾーが2009年9月 8日 22:52に書いたブログ記事です。





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